When I was a kid, my father introduced me to all of the classics that he’d read as a child. So while other kids my age were reading Judy Blume and the like, I was working my way through Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Wells’s The Time Machine, or The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I drifted away as I grew older, as we all do from the things of our childhood, only to return to the fold a few years later after a chance viewing of Jeremy Brett in the role of the great detective in the Granada Television adaptations. I’ve been here ever since.
2) Do you have a favourite story from the canon?
I have approached the canon several times, and I think I come away with a different favorite each time. It probably says more about me at various ages than it does about the stories themselves. But my most recent trek through the canon was a few years ago, while researching for a novel, and the story that most connected with me at that point was “The Red-Headed League.”
3) Are you active in any Sherlockian societies?
Sadly no, but then I would tend to question the wisdom of any organization that would have me as a member...
4) Are you involved with any other Sherlock Holmes projects?
My forthcoming novel End of the Century features as one of its three plot-threads a gaslight mystery set in London during the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, in which consulting detective Sandford Blank and his companion Roxanne Bonaventure are called upon to uncover the truth behind a string of grisly murders that may just be motivated by a search for the Holy Grail. Any resemblance between Blank and any other consulting detectives may not be entirely coincidental.